Finding My Feet is now available
A Rare Warrior’s Journey Through SMA and the Unknown
By Kerry Walsh
With more than 10% of people worldwide suffering from some form of rare disease or related disability, almost every family, school, or workplace knows at least one person striving to find their feet and live a good life, despite unique daily challenges.
Physically limiting “rare” diseases are not as rare as you might think, yet most people with them face daily unnecessary hurdles when navigating the world of the physically able.
So, how can we be more inclusive, supportive, and helpful in meaningful and empowering ways?
It’s obvious that life can be tougher for anyone fighting through a rare disease. What isn’t always obvious is how we can make a meaningful difference. Disability is so much more than just a physical limitation. It impacts a person on every level.
When we want to show care and connect better with someone with these challenges, we need to know what this means.
But how can we know what it’s really like until we travel a mile in their shoes?
Join us for this supportive, raw, and relatable read as it follows the life of activist, role model, and businesswoman Kerry Walsh. Universal themes such as love, friendship, and self-discovery enmesh with an uncompromising focus on opening people’s hearts to the reality of rare diseases and disabilities, which we as a society need to better equip ourselves to handle.
Every day, those with disabilities and rare diseases fight an invisible battle. It is a shadow war that is often fought on many fronts, from relationships to self-worth to even getting a seat at the table.
Even in the modern world, with recent awareness campaigns, people with rare diseases frequently find their needs overlooked. This story provides perspective and encouragement, not just to people suffering from these conditions but also to physically abled people who can find inspiration to face life’s challenges with greater resilience, empathy, and hope.
Kerry’s story is a heartfelt insight into love, fun, family, acceptance, and the navigation of independence. People of all ages and walks of life can learn and gain strength from this amazing, wonderful journey of tenacity and true grit.